Last Friday’s Cattle on Feed Report surprised analysts with a cattle placement number much higher than the top of pre-report estimates. March placements were down less than 1% from a year ago with a boost from Nebraska feedyards for the month.
With placements above expectations feedyard inventories are still 4.5% smaller than a year ago and 2.5% under the five-year average. Large March placement volume had little bearish impact to the cattle market early this week. Rightfully so given that beef production volume is down due to smaller weekly slaughter totals and lighter carcass weights.
Although fed cattle didn’t mark another record-high last week boxed beef values pressed sharply higher. The CAB cutout was $5.73/cwt. higher with Choice up stronger at $8.64/cwt. Select advanced just $5.26/cwt., widening the Choice/Select spread to $19.38/cwt. – that’s $4.50/cwt. beyond the price gap seen a year ago. The CAB cutout premium narrowed to just $12.75/cwt. over Choice, down $2.91/cwt. on the week. This positions some CAB cuts at a more attractively priced upgrade to commodity Choice, important in a pricing climate that’s 8% higher than a year ago.
Across the CAB carcass report, it’s the thin meats that continue to advance the most aggressively to higher prices. Flank steaks, outside skirts and inside skirts are easily at their record price point for this time of year. There’s room for those to move higher based on historical spring demand patterns and supply.
In the past 30 days, CAB tenderloins have increased $1.53/lb. to average $16.70/lb. wholesale. The direction will likely continue upward for this item with limited supply
All in all, wholesale beef movement has slowed in the current market as price points push buyers back from aggressive procurement. The buying pattern shows much smaller volumes for delivery several weeks out as price points for future delivery are showing steep premiums.